Cooking For One
Hey Close Friends,
My last serious boyfriend was a chef. He would cook us the most delicious and nourishing meals I have ever tasted. I’ve never been good at cooking and honestly, I hate making food for one person because it feels so isolating. When we were together he slowly, and very patiently taught me the basics so that I felt more confident in the kitchen. Our relationship was the first time I saw a glimpse of the kind of intentional, healthy partnership I’ve always dreamed was possible. When I was feeling down he would ask me ‘what does support look like for you right now’ and I would tell him exactly what I needed in that moment to feel supported. It was so special. We didn’t work out because of logistics that were out of our control but every time I cook myself food I feel a deep gratitude for him teaching me such a valuable skill. During the pandemic I found myself comforting my feelings of loneliness with food, and woke up one day at three years into a BED I did not know how to get out of. Four months ago I enrolled myself into a program that I graduated last week. This program that was absolutely supported by my newly found confidence in the kitchen given to me by my past partner. I like thinking about how past loves can leave you with perspectives or learnings that can help you become the best you you can be, long after your relationship ends. I’m far from the end of my journey with food and my body, but now when I cook myself food, it is with the lens of ultimate care for myself and my body’s needs. And that’s really cool.
See you soon sweet friends!