Self Portrait Day

Hey Close Friends,

Yesterday I decided to get creative and do something out of my comfort zone, as the first week my of Golden Era came to a close. I went all in and I did a FULL OUT self-portrait photoshoot. As most of you know, I am a professional photographer so I had all the resources I needed to create an empowering experience. After some adjustments and getting comfortable in front of the camera, not only did the pictures turn out super well but I had a BLAST. From choosing outfits and backdrops, to standing in my power in front of the lens, I am so proud of myself for doing something just for me. I found that by doing something slightly uncomfortable but still creatively fulfilling, I captured some very authentic, JOYFUL photos of myself.

So friends, I challenge you to do something creative this week. It might be something slightly uncomfortable, but I promise you will feel so much better once you do it. A creative outlet is essential for both mental and emotional wellbeing. It is a great way to express yourself and to be able to express your thoughts and feelings in a constructive way. They can provide a sense of accomplishment, a sense of pride and can even help to alleviate stress by providing a distraction. Try it! And let me know how it goes :)

See you soon, sweet friends!




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