Saying Goodbye to the Men We Carry

Hey Close Friends,

It’s so important to let go of the things that no longer serve us because we need to make space for new opportunities, experiences, and relationships that will bring us joy and fulfillment. So in order to do this, I have decided to write goodbye letters to the men that I have been carrying around with me. I feel like for a while, I have been letting these men live rent free in my heart and take up brain space in a way that has not serving me. In order to fully embark on my Golden Era journey I will have to release them. Some of them I dated for a while, others very briefly, but still made a lasting imprint on me.

I have a Golden Era notebook I have been using and so today I wrote in the journal my goodbye letters: Saying Goodbye to The Men* That I Carry.

First, I wrote down the list of the men that I’m carrying. Then, I wrote them each letters reminiscing on our time together and thanking them for the good times we did spend. I made sure that at the end of all the letters, I wished them well. And I really meant it.

I think it will take some more time for me to fully release them but I know this was a very powerful step to prepare myself for what’s to come.

See you soon, sweet friends!



*please note- in my case I am saying goodbye to men that I need to release, but this can be applied to any relationship, romantic, platonic or familial!

** Please also note- I am not sending these letters- they are for me and my healing only! Wahoo!


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